Thursday, 6 February 2020

Weaving Poverty

How much courage do you need to think
About my father beyond the Shawls, and the Shikaras;
Beyond the fishermen and the frozen forests;
And the roaring 1990s, and that bloody Jhelum
That ferried the Gods across the mountains;
Once in a blue moon, we visit each other
(Though the soldiers often visit us during CASOs)
And wonder whether the past was our present
Or if the otherwise is true;
We trace our memories as far back
As the black crow’s beak can tell;
It once did caw-caw God’s name and fell;
(Mother says, “Crows grow a beak every century
And perish after the number reaches seven”)
My father weaves exquisite oriental carpets
That grow trees of hope; birds of spring─
As the trees turn into woods and the birds
Travel to the warm zones, the carpet falls down,
Done, on a broker’s shoulder bound to New Delhi;
My father loses track─ his eyes blur and thighs tremor;
“One day”, he says, “I shall own birds and the spring
And gather dew drops in my lawn or rest like a king. 

© Ashaq Hussain Parray

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