Wednesday, 1 May 2019


Blushed is the rose; pale turns sun’s visage, Saki
Your beauty mums all mouths to silence, Saki.

Like fire-pot my heart still blazes, the soul is thirsty,
How it can be our past scores are settled, Saki?

To drink without moonlight does not seem propitious,
Moon shall have regrets; take off the veil, Saki.

Why should they be surprised to see the goblet empty?
 Yester night revellers must have dreamt of something, Saki.

My desires seek pearls in the deep ocean of agonies,
It is the pain of fire blesses candle with light, Saki.

Offering its blood, love waters the deserts of life,
May like this, beauty’s mirage shine always, Saki.

Now the pious cannot protect the chastity of his hem
Free of cost somebody began to vend wine, Saki.

Keeping the ecstasy, Rahi tells the meaning of words,
Violin and harp further beauty of my Ghazal, Saki

 A Ghazal by Rahman Rahi translated by Ashaq Hussain Parray

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